Trusted By Leaders

Canada's leading Platform for newcomers & international students

Visit, Study, Work or Immigrate

Start your Canadian journey the right way! Connect with verified & service providers to visit, study or immigrate.

Find Mentors, Jobs & Recruiters

Grow your career in Canada with curated jobs, recruiters, resources & advice to succeed.

Start/Buy a Business In Canada

We help find opportunities, recruit right people and access capital to start or buy a business.

Grow your career in Canada. Faster.

Get help from top recruiters, mentors, and service providers to grow your career in Canada. 


Here’s how we can help:

  • connect you with an employer
  • internship and volunteer opportunities to gain relevant work experience
  • polish your resume and cover letter
  • interview preparation and mock interview sessions
  • introductions and connections with recruiters and placement agencies

Start or Buy a Business In Canada

Canada is recognized as a leading destination for entrepreneurs to start or buy a business. 

How we can help you start/buy/invest in a Canadian business:

  • provide strategic advice and guidance to start a business in Canada
  • we offer a dedicated success partner to help you succeed
  • assist with all aspects of business visas/immigration
  • assist in business registry, accounting/tax/legal setup
  • connections with investors and lenders to provide capital

Learn, Grow, Network

A space for immigrant stories, experiences and insights.

The New Journey is a series of stories & conversations featuring leading thinkers, leaders and experts in immigration and diversity.

You’ll read their stories and learn about their experiences in Canada; the challenges they faced and the lessons they learned along the way.

Whether it’s a career change, or forging a new path as an entrepreneur, we hope these conversations will help you along your journey towards success in Canada.

Hammad Siddiqui

Hammad Siddiqui

Career & Personal Branding Coach, Job Search Strategist

Christine Eruokwu

Christine Eruokwu

Entrepreneur, Fashion Designer, Newcomer Advisor

Raghwa Gopal Innovate BC

Raghwa Gopal

President & CEO, Innovate BC Innovator, Serial Entrepreneur

Swish Goswami

Swish Goswami

Founder & CEO, Trufan Speaker, Angel Investor

Tareq Hadhad

Tareq Hadhad

CEO & Founder, Peace By Chocolate, Public Speaker

Book a Consultation

Want to apply for work permit or visa? Get info and advice from Canada’s leading recruiters, consultants, and service providers.